Tuesday, July 20, 2010

REVIEW: Paint Your Wagon (1969)

As of lately Maggie and I have been picking up movie from the Harold-Washington Library, we have been aiming toward older movies and movie that we think are unappreciated.Thankfully after the Missouri trip we had the AV Cable finally so I was able to restore my VCR .This week so far we have been able to find Paint Your Wagon,Boy with Green Hair and Freaks, Freaks on DVD amazingly and the rest on video tapes.

Paint Your Wagon (2hrs. 44 mins.):
This has been a bit of finding, this is a movie that I have heard about only by Maggie and her father.

Paint Your Wagon is a 1969 musical, that is set in during the Gold-Rush.

This is my favorite song from the entire movie:

Lee Marvin and Clint Eastwood both actually sing throughout the movie. This at first tripped me up but I actually enjoyed this movie. I was a great adaptation from the stage version of this movie and the story even if it had not had the music it could stand rather well on its own.

There is a confirmed triangle between Ben (Lee Marvin),Elizabeth (Jean Seberg), and Pardner (Clint Eastwood), which in a weird way works in this movie.

This movie is on my very tiny list of musicals that I can enjoy. The list being "Little Shop of Horrors" and "The Blues Brothers)".

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