Monday, July 12, 2010

Sweet Home Chicago

After the well needed 20 day vacation I am happy to say that I am home.

9 days in Indiana,2 days of layovers in Chicago and 9 days in Missouri. Oy Vey!

There were some good,some bad and some bloody times during this vacation.

And before you can ask about the bloody, here is the quick explanation. 2 days before Maggie and I were to leave on a trip for Indiana I was attacked by a tin can. It left a deep and long gash on the bottom of my foot, to say the least it hurt like hell.

The good times were primarily when we were on the train down to Missouri, we were fortunate to meet and interact with some of the unique people that we did. Be it the mother and son duo or Geanie and her yorkie.

The bad times were mainly me getting dental surgery, busting that damned cut open, attacked by mosquitoes, attacked by ticks, or helping put out a fire....

It was to say the least hectic..

9 hours in Union Station before boarding the train to Indiana... Met some cool people.

While in Indiana I had to get yet another dental surgery that I was not fond of... My wisdom teeth have decided to come in now that I am 22... aren't those things supposed to come in earlier like 16-18? Well anyways they are being bullies to my teeth in the back of my mouth and in the last 4 months managed to break two teeth... OUCHies. Next time that I am down there they will be taking out the bottom 2 wisdom teeth... oh joy...

During the splendid time of being on pain meds and unable to eat solid food, I found entertainment in crocheting and watching movies on Netflix. I got a ton of things done including baby clothes and two new bags for market.

Also while down there I got to send time with family. I am surprised at how good Hayley (my littlest sister) is getting at softball.I love watching softball about as much as I enjoyed playing it. Lexy (the middle child) is still like a mother to my little cousin Zack and a happy to see that my Mammaw (grandmother) is doing ok. My parents were a little frustrating at times but I think that is a parent thing.

By the time that I was back in Chicago it felt right to be home even if it was for less than two days. I felt nice to sleep in a real bed instead of on a couch... The two days there gave me time to recharge before the adventure of traveling to rural Missouri..

The trip to Missouri was rather enjoyable with meeting the great mother-son duo heading to St. Louis and Geanie and her yorkie service dog. The reason that I found the mother-son duo so great was it was the son's first trip on a train and he was 11. Him and his mother were rather frazzled before getting on the train. But they made for great company on the way down. When they left the train in St. Louis Ms. Geanie boarded with her service yorkie Zha Zha. That train ride I had been helping out people lifting bags and to their seats, directing them to dining car, the whole 9 yards... When she got on I was helping her with her bags, when she began telling me about her trip then about how she came to having a service dog. She was suffering from PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) and how Zha Zha helps.The best way to describe her was Ms. Frizzle with white hair and a southern accent.

After getting off the train in Jefferson City, MO it was a ride in a car to the Logan's home in the middle of nowhere. Not saying that it is a bad thing, just saying damn...
It was 8 hours on a train and 3 more by car getting there I was exhausted...

I managed to actually kind of bonded with Gus (Maggie's brother),Mingee (his fiance), and Katylyn(her best bud). Gus bonded over games. I am the only one that managed to make Gus call a draw in Monopoly and also I think he liked me due to I had the Super Mario's game with me on my DS which he freaking beat in 3 days... O_O'. Mingee and me bonded over me making her a book bag for when she is off to the music academy. And Katylyn was a hybrid of all the great friends that I have back home.

On the 2nd I met JD one of Maggie's closest guy friends. He is awesome I am hoping to speak and hangout with him again when he is back from his tour in Afghanistan.

4th of July was awesome,ended up going to watch a display near Faith Fellowship.

On the 6th Maggie's dad (Ron) threw a firework like a grenade into the back yard starting a fire, which took out a patch of the backyard... I ended up helping out with putting it out.. To say the least this was interesting.

There is some much more to write about but alas I am hungry an a bit parched I shall be writing more later.

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